So I guess I haven’t blogged in a few weeks. Life has definitely been busy, but to tell the truth most of the lack in posts has been pretty purposeful. When I first started blogging it was fun, motivational and really cool to find other people “out there” I had things in common with. But now most of the blogs I liked are kind of MIA or have seemingly transformed themselves into daily advertisements for XXX product or have giveaways for XXX company or review products for XXX. None of these things are fun or interesting to read, and I’ve started to feel kind of negative towards the whole blog world in general. Maybe I’m resentful over how ridiculous it has become, or just jealous I’m not the one getting free shit all the time. Who knows. But I learned a long time ago that if a hobby (or whatever blogging is) isn’t fun, then it’s kind of pointless to do.
So this is a bit of a conundrum because I really do like writing about my running, and sometimes nutrition/food, and sometimes random things. I just don’t know if this is the right medium for me anymore. So while I continue to ponder this, here is a brief recap on how my training has been the past couple of weeks:
Week of July 22
- Monday – 7.75 miles super easy
- Tuesday – rest, 50 minutes yoga
- Wednesday – 9.5 miles, 4 x 10 minutes @ tempo pace with 2 minutes rest in between. This workout SUCKED ASS. I couldn’t not keep tempo pace and my legs felt like lead the entire time. The fact that I was doing the workout with Betsy and she was incredibly motivational and awesome is the only reason I didn’t give up and bag it
- Thursday – 8.5 miles with 5 x 30 second strides
- Friday – 7.25 miles easy
- Saturday – 15.25 miles: ~4 miles w/u, 4 X 5-6 minute tempo with 1 minute rest + 45 mins easy + 15-20 minute steady MP + finish the run
- Sunday – 7.25 miles easy
Total: 55.5 miles
Week of July 29
- Monday – 3.25 miles easy, 50 minutes yoga
- Tuesday – 10.5 miles: ~2.25 miles w/u, 4 X 5 to 6 minutes fast tempo with 1-minute recovery + 5 minutes recovery + 3 X 5-6 minute fast tempo with 1-minute. This workout was as awesome as last week’s was shitty – Betsy and I hit all repeat paces perfectly and felt awesome. Go figure!
- Wednesday – 9 miles easy
- Thursday – 10 miles, 5 x 30 second strides
- Friday - 7.5 miles
- Saturday – 17.25 miles: ~6 miles w/u, 3 x 10 minutes @ MP with 2 minutes rest, 5 x 30 second strides at the end of the run
- Sunday – 7 miles easy
Total: 64.5 miles
Overall I’m feeling good, but also pretty tired and sore and hungry. Oh, #marathontraining. Until next time… ???